Tuesday, April 14, 2009

well we had a pretty good week. we still dont have our car back! it has been about 3 weeks now. it is getting kind of annoying, cause there is alot of things that we could be doing to help the work out here but we cant cause it is too far away. but is has been good nothaving a car at the same time too. we have been doing alot of finding. Here is a cool story. so friday night when we were planning we didnt have any appointments all morning. and we couldnt thi nk of anything to do. so we decided that we were going to knock doors all morning till 3. well we woke up the next morning and it was just pouring rain! seriously it was raining hard. so we got ready prepared our message for the day and went out to tract. my comp had an umbrella but i dont like umbrellas. i actually like walking out in the rain. so we were soaking wet in a matter of minutes! we probably looked so rediculous. but we had alot of success tracting that day. alot of people were letting us in their homes to teach lessons and we got alot of new investigators! it was amazing. .i think that we had so much success that day because of our attitude. it was terrible weather and people thought we were crazy for even being outside. but elder alder and i decided that we were going to have fun working! so we did, we were having a good time and people could see that . it was really neat. church was realy good yesterday. lazaro got the calling to be the new gospel principles teacher! he is amazing. dad steve you would love this man! he had an amazing lesson prepared. it was on faith in jesus christ. He still needs to learn to tone it down sometimes, but that is just cause he is not used to our culture yet and he is a very loud and emotional person. he told everyone is gospel principles yesterday that he was a navy seal for a long time and lead a team and everything. served in Iraq and alot of other places too. he still works for the goverment. he is just a great guy but i think that he scares alot of people. haha He got ordained a priest yesterday and kind of spoke in tounges. it was interesting. i really dont think i could explain it via e mail so you can ask me about it on mothers day, which is approaching very soon! he gave george one of our investigators at church who is commited for the 24th his QUAD(Book of mormon, Bible, Pearl of great price and D C) he is a very good man. we had 8 Investigators at church yesterday. it was a pretty good day. this morning we went over to the zone leaders pad cause that is where we do laundry and they made me breakfast and cinnamon rolls with the candles and everything. it was really nice. well i love you all so much you are amazing! thanks so much for the packages! i will be praying that the deer crest house will go through! and just be praying for all of you!

Hurrah For Israel!!

Elder MIkey Olsen

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